Covet International Awards
Born from a passion to revive the arts that are being forgotten, therefore, bringing their legacy to our contemporary world, Covet International Awards identifies the world’s best interior design projects and product design. The Awards were created with the purpose of celebrating and elevating the arts & crafts by distinguishing the most prestigious interior design projects. Join Interior Design Magazines and discover everything. The submission will open on January 15, stay tuned!
Published on: Jan 10, 2021

The Organisers of Covet International Awards – Covet House and Br(h)ands Foundation, share, as mentioned previously, the common mission of reviving ancient arts that are losing their place in the contemporary Design world. With 15 years of experience in creating curated furniture, which feature elements in the arts of filigree, tile, wood carving, and others, Covet House has now a bigger mission than designing high-end furniture, they actually want to make sure that the knowledge of arts & crafts passes on from generation to generation. The organizer is looking for Furniture, Lighting, and Home accessories created using the finest craftsmanship techniques, as well as Interior Design projects in several categories, that combine arts&crafts and luxury resulting in unique concepts.
Furthermore, the winning submitted projects and its respective creators will have an exclusive article in CovetED Magazine and Best Interior Designers as well as an exclusive interview, which will be published on CovetED’s printed and online versions.

Residential, Hospitality, Commercial, Sustainable Design, Home Office, Craftsmanship, and Mid Century are this year’s categories. We are looking for the most CovetED interior design projects and product design that show design through craftsmanship, by reinterpreting and valuing the traditional arts & crafts. The Covet Awards of 2021, will also feature extra recognitions: Thinker of the Year – Person behind a Luxury Brand that successfully promoted Craftsmanship in 2021. The maker of the Year – Craftsman who created the most CovetED product in 2021. Design meets a craft using the most luxurious materials. The result must be a striking product with which our readers create an emotional bond.
All projects submitted will be evaluated according to how much Crafts are rooted in the design process. The concept, creativity, use of space, impact of materials are other guidelines of the Jury. Projects must be completed, and they can either be new constructions or remodels. COVET INTERNATIONAL AWARDS jury committee will accept one project per Designer / Team. However, one project can be submitted to several categories.
Once submitted, COVET HOUSE allows itself to use the images and content of the project on its website, social networks and furnish the same materials to its media partners (including CovetED Magazine and Best Interior Designers). The entries will open on 15 Jan (YOU CAN SUBMIT YOUR PROJECT HERE) and will go on until March 26th.
Since the language of luxury design is currently a combination of craftsmanship and arts that tell a story of passion and emotion. Consequently, the Covet International Awards become this obvious solution to promote such a message to the world, recognizing skilled interior designers that share the same values. To conclude, we remind everyone that entries for submitting projects close on 15th January 2021, so don’t miss this amazing opportunity to elevate design and craftsmanship in the most singular way.
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