Celebrities. Whoever tells you that he/she doesn’t care about the latest, juiciest gossip is lying to you. And lying is bad.
If you are a person that loves to read (and talk) about the lives of the most famous people in the world but you don’t know how to find the best and most exclusive information (or rumors)… read on. Interior Design Magazines made a top 5 with the most prestigious magazines on the subject
You will notice that these magazines are American. You know why don’t you?.
1- People
First published in 1974, People Magazine has been one of the most read in America for years and years. And not only in its class. This magazine has been one of the best sellers in Obama’s country. Period. It’s the magazine, in the USA, with the biggest revenue earned from advertising. Beside celebrity news, People magazine also tries to publish some human interest articles.
As you see, there is a lot of people (like you)interested in the latest gossip.
Published weekly
2 – Entertainment Weekly
This is a magazine that gives you the fresher, exclusive gossip from celebrities but also covers other subjects like music, films, TV, and so on. If you want to know what’s going on in the television and cinema’s world you should buy this one.
Published every week
3 – US Weekly
US weekly is a classic magazine on the subject of celebrities. When and wherever is a celebrity in trouble thery’re there. They don’t miss it. It’s a magazine with lots of photographs and juicy content. Sometimes you have to see it to believe it.
52 issues per year
4 – Star Magazine
Star magazine says that they it has the hottest celebrity news. In this magazine you’ll find interviews with the latest famous person, fashion news and tips, entertainment articles and the lifestyle of the star in detail.
Published every week
5 – Ok Magazine
If you want to know some Hollywood related gossip you found the magazine- Interviews, news, rumors, fashion tips, star’s way of living, OK magazine has it all. You’ll be the best informed on the subject.
It’s out every week
These are some of the most known and the magazines with the best celebrity content. With any of these 5 publications in your hand, you’ll be in touch with the star’s world.
Sources: All you can read, The Huffington Post, Celebrity News Magazines