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Condé Nast Traveler: predictions for 2014

This year is almost done. Everyone is making predictions for 2014 and, as you can expect, there are some travel new trends and changes.

Condé Nast Traveler, one of the best travel magazines in the world, has made a list with some predictions for next year.

“Interior Design Magazines” will reveal to you some of that important hot trends..

conde-nast-traveler-december-2013-coverCondé Nast Traveler December 2013 cover

Traveling to South America will be a trend

In 2014 is expected an increased of travelers in South America, especially Brazil. The country will host the soccer Wold Cup. Millions will be there to watch the games and then to go all over South America. Peru and Chile will be tempting destinations

Peruvian cuisine is the new hot, trendy food that  will attract tourists to the South America’s gastronomical capital. New beautiful hotels are going to be open next year all over the country.

Chile is also expecting a big number of travelers in 2014. New boutique design hotels are being opened across the country to attract more people.

Colombia must not be forgotten. The country was a trendy destination this year and it will happen the same in 2014.

brazil-travel-destinations-exotic-beachBrazil’s beaches will surely be a desired destination – Guarapari beach


Africa will become an established family vacation continent

More and more people are travelling to Africa to do a Safari in family. In 2014 this trend won’t change. Many safari organizers are now planning trips that have a more kid friendly ambience. To have a calm and relaxed vacation look for South Africa. For safety reasons avoid Nairobi and Kenya.

safari-africaIf you and your family want to do a safari, South Africa is one of the best places.

Hotels will be ready for Social media

These days everyone takes a photo and needs to share it immediately with friends. Hotels are, of course, preparing for that. Many properties are now giving some decorative touches to create a more photogenic mood. Instagram, for example, is becoming a new way to interact with hotels. Some places are using the social network to answer clients’ questions and to recommend activities and places.

the-worlds-first-instagram-hotel-in-sydney-australiaThe 1888 Hotel Sydney was  considered the first Instagram  hotel in the World

People will travel to eat

There are lots of reasons to travel but apparently one will stand out in 2014: eating. More and more people are now traveling from one continent to another just to try the local food and the best restaurants in the world.

Food tasting is becoming an important travel segment. Places like Peru, Spain and Australia will be highly searched by food tasters.

perivian-food-new-trendy-tastePeruvian food it’s a new hot trend

River cruising will grow in Europe

The river cruiser lines haven’t been able to cope with the outstanding demand for these trips. More and more ships are being built all over Europe so that every traveler can have the opportunity to cruise in a river.

danube-river-cruisingRivers like the Danube, in Austria, will receive many tourists

A home away from home

It’s not a new thing and it will only increase in 2014. Travelers are choosing homes over hotels. Why? Privacy and cost. There are incredible villas all over the world that can make your vacations even more fantastic.

Villa-Donato-luxury vacationsVilla Donata – a luxurious villa for a luxurious vacation

There are just some new hot trends and experiences that will grow in 2014 and all of them seem fantastic. These predictions by Condé Nast will surely going to be right.

Are you thinking of travelling to any of these places or to do some of these activities? Lets us know.


Source: Condé Nast Traveler

Images: Mega ArquivoAfrica Exclusive, Business Insider, Gti Tourism, The Cruise Editor, Everyday Luxury Life

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