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Budget updates for your home

From time to time our home needs a little bit of love, but sometimes we just don’t have the necessary money to do what needs to be done. So…How can you improve your home on a budget? Interior Design Magazines will give you some important tips and tricks that will help you give some style back to your place.

1 – Style your entrance

We tend to forget sometimes, but the entrance is the first place that is “evaluated” by the guests. It’s their first impression of your house and as you know first impressions can make it or break it.

Try to give some color and light to the entrance. Don’t fill the space with junk. Have some flowers and little touches on the doo

2 – Add interesting architectural touches

A house that stays the same over the years will become boring. You will hate it and your guests won’t love it for you. You should consider adding a chair rail, a picture molding, crown molding or baseboard.  Yes some things will take some money away but will do miracles for your home style.

 Dining room baseboards

3 – Lighting

Lighten up the place. Both natural and artificial light will give your house a new, fresher and trendy look.  You don’t have to spend thousands. Grab a spray paint can and color the old looking  chandelier. If you have a ceiling fan paint them too or, if you have a bigger budget, replace them.

You should put a dimmer switch on the lights, especially in the dinning room and, of course, in the bedroom. They will make your house versatile.


4 – Upgrade the cabinets

This is a thing that you really should do. You won’t spend much if you recycle the knobs and pulls from one cabinet to another. These little changes will make a difference. With a bigger budget you can shop accessories to the cabinet and replace the old knobs for some stylish new ones. If that is not enough, paint the entire cabinet. Will take time and skill but the result will change the whole place.


5 – Change the faucets

A shiny new thing on your kitchen or bathroom will be noticeable and give a fresh look to the space. Important tip: check before you buy. Make sure that the configuration of the faucet matches the existing sink.


These are 5 tips that can make a difference in your house. Little touches could transform any space. Make sure that you find something that you like and always think before you buy or change something. Changes should be always for the better.

Enjoy your decoration.

 Sources: DIY Network, Better Homes and Gardens

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