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10 decorating mistakes by Elle Decór

We always read about the best of interior design, how to decorate your room, best colors for fall, top 10 decorating ideas and I will make sure to keep you updated with the most extraordinary tips from interior design magazines.

But today I´ll share with you the 10 most common mistakes people make decorating given by Elle Décor, perhaps you can feel related with some of them but the good thing is that we can always learn with our mistakes.

10 decorating mistakes by Elle Decór

1. The uncomfortable looks-great piece

Looking for the most stunning furniture doesn´t mean it will be the best choice. What is the point of having a gorgeous sofa that you cannot be comfortable on it?

2. The trendy piece

Perhaps when you saw the piece in the magazine you though that you need to have it, but then you notice that it doesn´t match with your living room or kitchen so the best thing is to only buy trendy pieces if it feels like you.

10 decorating mistakes by Elle Decór

3. The wall color you didn´t test

Occasionally we are obsess on painting our walls and we really believe that the color we have in mind will be the perfect choice so Elle Décor suggestion is to first paint a swatch before make any decision.

4. Real lifestyle vs Dream lifestyle

Sometimes we buy things thinking “one day I might need it” and the reality is that day never comes, what is the point to buy an oversized table when you never entertain or a wall sized TV when you love to read?

10 decorating mistakes by Elle Decór

5. The quick fix

I know that is much better to save money for vacations then buying a high quality chair but when the chair broke we realize that sometimes cheap can become more expensive.

6. The too-complicated organization system

Elle Décor gives an example: “Bills go in the green folder, unopened mail in the blue drawer, casual stationery on the top shelf…or is it top shelf stationery on the top shelf?” no needs to complicate make it easy for you.

10 decorating mistakes by Elle Decór

7. The un-researched flora

Plants can give a special touch but like Elle Décor mention “this decision is similar with to the too-trendy piece, this plant looked great somewhere else…but floundered in your home”.

8. The disastrous DIY

Looking for videos on Youtube it’s possible to find simple DIY ideas but when you start doing it yourself you find out that you are not crafty enough. Don´t waste your time and go to the experts.

10 decorating mistakes by Elle Decór

9. The cliché art

Elle Decór advice is to keep it more personal and meaningful if you want something special in your wall

10. The white item

If spend extra time cleaning isn´t part of your personality so is better to think twice before buying a white furniture.

10 decorating mistakes by Elle Decór

I hope you have enjoyed this article!

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