The prestigious and worldwide magazine “National” Geographic” shares, every day, an amazing photo that is simply astonishing
As usual “Interior Design Magazines” will share with you, daily, the picture of the day chosen by National Geographic.
Nature, culture, people, views, animals, for each and every subject National Geographic as a fantastic and inspiring photo that you can admire. If you don’t want to miss them, check “Interior Design Magazines” and subscribe our newsletter.
6th January 2014
Arriving for Prayer
Photograph by John Stanmeyer, National Geographic
“Wrapped in white to symbolize purity, women arrive for prayer at an Ethiopian Orthodox church in Asaita. An increasing number of Christians from Ethiopia’s highlands come here to work on farm plantations”.
See more pictures from the December 2013 feature story “To Walk the World.”
Check “Interior Design Magazines” everyday to see the National Geographic‘s photo of the day! Enjoy!
Source: National Geographic